Moments When Employees Dared Their Bosses to Fire Them

That Sounds Like a Managment Problem

Photo source: Pexels, Moose Photos

I put in my two weeks notice at my wildly understaffed job. 6 days later got sick. I called around and see if anyone can take my shift.

No one is available.

Tried to call out that morning. My manager tries to persuade me to come in even though I am barfing everywhere. I non-commitally agree to call in later in the day to see if I am feeling up to coming in anyway.

Call back, say I am still sick and will not be coming in. Manager blows up at me in front of customers, being rude and demeaning.

Eventually asks what I expect to do about the shift needing to be covered. I say I have done everything I am required to and it sounds like a management problem to me, and she could fire me if she wanted to, as I was gone in five days anyway.

Then I hung up and turned my phone off.

Reddit user: haelesor

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