Moments When Employees Dared Their Bosses to Fire Them

Sweet Revenge

Photo source: Pexels, Anamul Rezwan

I had a big staff meeting to plan for the upcoming year about holidays and such so we could have the appropriately trained people on site to cover the guys that would be away.

In the meeting I say to the owner, “so do you want us to email you or the scheduler about this directly?” He says both, so I say ok I’ll email it in but I will be gone for 2 weeks, and I tell him the date.

He says that it’s approved but to email it In. So I email it to him, the scheduler, and my foreman at the time.

My holidays come and on the last day I send my foreman a message, the usual, where are we, how has it gone, where’s my company truck, who do I need to pick up tomorrow, the whole 9 yards.

He fires back with, you didn’t tell me you were taking days off, I’m gonna suspend you without pay for 2 weeks.

Well as you imagine that didn’t go well, I politely told him that I had the emails and he was in the room when we discussed the exact dates I would be gone, and that his lack of planning wasn’t my fault at all.

So I phoned the owner, who I had happened to work for for 7 years at this point, being the second-longest employed person there, and told him that the 3 of us would be having a meeting in the morning to sort it out.

So I write up my resignation and take it with me, along with my company phone, credit card and keys to the meeting where the owner proceeds to fire the foreman after about 5 miniutes, and gives me the job as foreman for the crews.

Thanked me for bring it to his attention as it had happened before and as being the most knowledgeable person about our product and equipment he gave me the job which I had for the next 5 years till I destroyed my back and had to move on.

Reddit user: Jethro_sanchez

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