Neighbors Who Got Sweet Revenge Against Their Next Door Nightmares

They Finally Stopped Snooping


This is how I handled my problem neighbor: Throughout my entire adulthood I’ve owned my own home except for a 2 year period when my son was born and shortly after until we bought another house.

During my time as a renter in a bigger town I had very rude neighbors, middle 50’s couple, fairly well to do, who would spy and sneer and stare constantly. Their adult children and grand kids did it too. They would stare and once they saw you looking back they would slowly shake their heads before turning away.

They lived to my immediate right. If you so much as coughed outside they literally seek you out to stare at you for a minute, mutter something under their breath then shake their head and turn away. 3 months of this and I had enough of it. Mind you I’m quite big (6’4 1/2″, 295 lbs) and very imposing and had a long biker beard at the time and my size didn’t seem to intimidate them, at first.

So I decided it would have to be all mental. Since they were always so mad I decided the best attack was kindness, mind you OVER THE TOP, kindness. Whenever I saw either of them looking at me, or both at the same time for that matter, I would walk/run right towards them with a loud jovial HI!!!! Get very close to them and forcefully initiate small talk.

The moment they would try to respond I would cut them right off and talk over them. Everything they said I would laugh extremely loud at before they were even finished talking to the point where they would start backing up and I would wave my arms around and act like an idiot. This was an almost daily occurrence for a couple weeks.

They seemed to give me more space and weren’t outside staring at me nearly as often after that until one day a close friend drove by while I was in my front yard. It took me a second to realize it was him because he wasn’t in his own car, it was a rental because his was in the shop. The neighbors were on their front porch at the time.

He beeped the horn and I looked and saw it was him and he promptly gave me the finger and yelled Hey You! out the window which is something we often did to each other. Then it hit me! The neighbors saw the whole thing! I sprang into action.

I yelled back “You’re dead!” to my friend in the car as he kept going down the street, ran inside, grabbed my shotgun, threw it on the front seat of my truck then ran next door and up on the neighbor’s porch where they were quite startled. I yelled at them “Who was that!?” ‘ Did you send him!?” “Well he’s a dead man now!!!!” They were too frightened to respond.

I then ran over, jumped in my truck and lit up the rubber pulling out of the driveway and flying down the street. I caught up to my friend a little ways down the street and got him to pull over. I shared the story with him about what I’d just done (he had been well informed as to what the neighbors were doing) and he almost peed his pants laughing.

He is the one who told me what the next step should be, and it went like this: I returned 20 minutes later to the neighbors still on their porch, staring at me but trying to make out that they weren’t and I pretended I didn’t notice them.

I went inside, got a large beach towel and went outside with it. Knowing they were watching me, I pulled the shotgun out of the truck and started wiping it down with the towel. After clumsily and purposely looking over both shoulders in a fake attempt to check if anyone was watching, I wrapped the gun in the towel and ran around to the back of the house. I brought the shotgun inside and put it away quickly.

I grabbed one of my baseball bats and wrapped it in the towel and went into the back yard. I very loudly opened the shed and got a shovel. Making quite a racket the whole time. I could see when I came out that they were looking at me from an upstairs window in their house to see what I was doing.

I dug a small hole and threw the towel wrapped bat in the hole and promptly buried it. The neighbors never spoke to me or stared at me again. Story credit: Reddit / 5thcorps

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