Neighbors Who Got Sweet Revenge Against Their Next Door Nightmares

No Respect For Property Lines


Now this isn’t some zoning sort of thing, but it still involves going onto our property. Normally stuff happens, doesn’t matter if they are not hurting anything, that sort of thing. They can even be helpful.

However the issues are so frequent and getting progressively worse to the point that I am just tired of it.

They had big dogs and set up an invisible fence. Well the fence doesn’t work and the dogs have taken to continuously run into our backyard. They have eaten a curtain we had hung up for movies and I caught them crapping in our yard with zero interference. They used to make a token effort to stop it but seemingly have just stopped caring.

That isn’t the only issue. They have a two car garage and a broken down car in their driveway. Yet for some reason they insist on parking in front of our house. That’s fine and all, but they keep parking progressively closer to the end of our driveway.

So much so they blocked our trashcans and prevented them from being picked up last week. Just came home to see they did it again and had to go out and move the cans to the middle of the drive way so the trucks could reach it.

I’m not a confrontational person but I left a note on the car asking them to please stop parking there. Story credit: Reddit / axolotlsgonewild

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