Roman Coin Dated 194 CE

“Septimius Severus, Aureusm 193-211 AD, Aureus, Rome, 194 AD, 7.23g. Obv: L SEPT SEV PE – RT AVG IMP III Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P II COS II P P Septimius, in military dress, reversed spear in l. hand, and Jupiter, nude except for cloak hanging from l. shoulder, scepter in l. hand, standing face to face and supporting globe between them with their r. hands.
Very rare, possibly only the fifth known specimen, and from the same dies as the other four (BM-67, Paris, Glasgow-11 pl. 5, and Bourgey, 16 Dec. 1913, Ramon Part II, 373). This coin was found in India and has an Indian countermark on the reverse between Septimius and Jupiter.”