The Surgeon Caused the Problem

Recently, my eight-year-old grandson went for his surgery to have a cyst removed from his thyroid gland. Something went horribly wrong. Apparently, the damage was so severe that the surgeons at the new hospital didn’t even know what to do. The original surgeon had cut my grandson’s vocal cords.
The new surgeon does the six-hour repair surgery from 5-11 pm on Friday night. After that, the new surgeon opened my grandson up again to take a look and told my son and daughter-in-law that everything looked better than he had even hoped for.
And then finally, the worst thing. The original surgeon that messed up called my son and told him that once he opened my grandson up, he saw that it was not a cyst on his thyroid gland, but a lymph node. Yet he continued to perform the surgery! JazzedParrot108