I Don’t Know What the Big Deal Was

I’ve always had headaches, almost daily. About 10 years ago, I started seeing weird auras that would take up my whole vision, and then I’d get a terrible headache. About three years ago, we got really good insurance. Then, I got several auras in a row, and I started to worry that it was a detached retina.
So I went to an ophthalmologist, who dilated my eyes. He suggested I see a neurologist, and maybe they’d do an MRI. Meanwhile, I had a stomach ache that lasted for a few days—very odd for me. But it woke me up in the middle of the night. They were able to get me in for the MRI that day.
They called me back in and she told me I’d had a stroke, and they needed to admit me to the ER. The office was at the hospital, so she literally just walked me through two doors. I never really saw the big deal, it was just a stomach ache and dancing lights. I’m doing a lot better now. MANDALORIAN_WHISKEY