Food Poisoning Lead to Something Much Worse

One time, I got food poisoning. I told my boss I would probably miss the next day. She asked if I needed anything and I said, “No-no… I’m just trying to drink water but I can’t keep it down…I’ve put all my pillows on the bathroom floor so I can stay close to the toilet.”
She brought me ginger tea and asked if they could take me to the hospital. After a while, I could hardly get up, so I finally let her and a co-worker drive me to the hospital. But I felt so stupid—who goes to the ER for food poisoning? They stabilized me in the ER after a few hours and ran some tests.
They told me then I could go home if I wanted, or stay the night in the hospital. Some instinct told me to stay. I felt terrible when they wheeled me over to the hospital. The next thing I knew, I was on a hospital bed surrounded by med staff. I had a life-threatening seizure. not_thatkindofdoctor