Outrageous and Traumatic Medical Stories as Told By the People Who Lived Them

My Psychiatrist Noticed What Other Doctors Didn’t


My psychiatrist saved my life! I have always had irregular periods, so when I had bleeding that didn’t go away for a month, I pretty much just kept on keeping on. Eventually, a doctor referred me to the emergency department because of the blood loss, and all I was told was “You’ve got endometriosis.”

Eventually, the doctors did a blood test and I was admitted overnight for a blood transfusion. A few weeks later, at about the six-month mark, I drove for my regular appointment with my psychiatrist. He took one look at me and freaked out. He told me to proceed directly to the ER.

So I did and was promptly admitted to the ICU with a bilateral pulmonary embolism. The doctor that looked after me and ultimately saved my life wrote a paper on why it’s stupid to ignore a nulligravida (never pregnant) woman in her mid-20s with severe dysfunctional uterine bleeding. seriouslampshade

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