They Thought I Only Wanted More Medication

I have Crohn’s disease. No medications helped calm my disease down. Under one of my many hospitalizations, I was sent to a bigger hospital than my local one. A couple of weeks into my stay, I got into big trouble. My stomach was hurting a lot more than usual.
I was still going to the bathroom like 50 times a day to pass blood and minuscule amounts of waste, but then stopped overnight. I spoke to the doctors when they had visitation, but I was getting brushed off by everyone. Regardless, doctors did nothing more than feel my tender stomach daily.
After six days, someone wheeled in an ultrasound machine to my room. After a quick look in my stomach, I got a meek, “Oh, your intestines are twisted around on themselves, you need surgery.” The reason they did nothing for a week was the doctors thought I was addicted to my medications. insideisdead