There’s No Way I Got it All Out

This was a dermatology rotation at the VA. I figured he meant a weird mole with some hair coming out, but this guy said, “No, the hair is coming out from under the skin.” The resident asked him what he did for a living and he said he was a barber.
He held up his hand, making a fist, and there were several hairs poking out from between the knuckles of his pointer and middle finger. I stared in confusion, and the resident grabbed some tweezers to pull out maybe a half dozen short black hairs. That’s when the resident’s face dropped.
We were shocked at the mass of hair that we uncovered. The guy said, “Oh it probably came in through there!” He flipped his hand over to reveal a HOLE in his hand’s skin. It turns out, the dude had cut himself like TWO YEARS before, and it had never healed, so he just kept cutting hair. TheOtherDoctorMike