Outrageous and Traumatic Medical Stories as Told By the People Who Lived Them

The Worst Part Was Telling Him


This patient had a history of kidney cancer but was in remission. On his latest scan, there was surprising news. There’s a focal mass on one kidney. Still, if it’s actually just a focal lesion we can chop off the tip of his kidney and cure him while retaining most of his kidney function.

When radiology calls us back with the results and it was the worst possible outcome. The cancer is back and has spread into the renal veins. This takes our patient out of remission and into stage three. The radiologist also mentions he sees shadows in the liver and brain.

After the dust settles, everyone agrees that this patient is more advanced and surgery is no longer an option. The worst part was telling him. Remember, this patient came in thinking he was having a short surgery and leaving completely cured. Allopathological

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