All Because of an Accidental Fall

My husband and I were messing around and he chased me through the kitchen. When I took a hard left turn, he lost his footing and fell on his side. He’s a big dude, so falling is a bit more traumatic for him. He couldn’t put pressure on his leg and he knew immediately he was hurt pretty bad.
Once we got to the hospital, however, we found out the shocking truth. He had broken his hip, breaking off his entire ball joint from the top of his femur. But the crazy part is that, apparently, a healthy 30-year-old man breaking his femur from standing is highly unusual.
That’s when we found out that there was an even more terrifying cause behind it. It turned out he was in the early stages of osteoporosis. Even craziest? It was due to a pituitary tumor in his brain. So we discovered a benign brain tumor all because he was wearing slippery socks. yourerightaboutthat