All of This Could Have Been Avoided

When I was 16, I had a sharp pain in my right side. I tossed and turned for a couple of hours before getting up and knocking on my mom’s bedroom door; a forbidden action. She ordered me to drink some milk and go back to bed. I drank the milk and finally passed out from exhaustion.
The pain came back worse than ever before. After hours and hours of utter agony, I broke down and called my mother. My mom begrudgingly took me to the appointment with the surgeon. I remember sitting in the office with the surgeon while we waited for the nurse to bring him my ultrasound file.
He opened the folder and the smile immediately fell from his face. So yeah, my gallbladder had apparently been filled with stones since I was 16 and it kept making more for the next two years. The surgeon said he’d never seen anything like it. alltheyarnthings