An Awkward Moment

I had an ingrown hair on my chin that I tried to squeeze out. In the process of doing so, the pus around the hair must have backfired and erupted.
Over the course of the next few hours, my chin began to swell as if I had an abundant amount of gum or a jawbreaker stuck in my lower lip.
Seeing as something was wrong, I went to the doctor the next day. It was my first time with that particular doctor mind you which made the whole thing even more awkward. I told her the story of how my chin came to be with the added blurb of, “But at least I got that sucker out!”
After examining my chin, she called in what I assumed to be a resident to see the golf ball lump that had formed on my chin. I reacted by exclaiming, “Gee, this doesn’t make me feel showcased or awkward by any means.”
Apologies and laughter ensued. The doctor prescribed me some pills and my lump infection was gone within two days. DantheMan700