Overthinkers Share Instances Where Overthinking Made Them Prepared

Saved Family And Pets From A Fire


This was at 9 years old. We had driven home and seen the beginning wisps of smoke for the California Cedar fire in 2003.

Naturally, I assumed the worst, and packed up all my clothes and spent about an hour making a travel cage for my guniea pigs. I tied their water bottle to the side so they could drink, packed up their food and their favorite furniture just in case.

I then spent the next few hours monitoring the fire on the news and out in the distance from our window, periodically asking my parents if we needed to evacuate.

At some point in the night the fire sped up like crazy and was literally on the hillside across the street. I went in to my parents room and said “the fire is across the street are you sure we shouldn’t evacuate?”

At this point we all went crazy grabbing important documents and supplies and as we were about to lock the doors and drive I realized I forgot my guniea pigs. My parents told me it was too late and I didn’t have time to grab them, but when I cried and explained I had them packed up, I was able to grab them and go.

The house ended up ok thanks to a neighbor putting out embers before they took, but we were gone long enough my pigs would have made it.

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