Overthinkers Share Instances Where Overthinking Made Them Prepared

Got A Backup Job Just In Case


I work in child care and was working at a centre that was so so draining. I started applying for new jobs and went on a couple interviews. One time, I had an interview with another daycare and was offered the position. I loved my coworkers and ultimately decided to turn the new position down. However, I had this gut feeling that I couldn’t burn any bridges incase s**t at my current job hit the fan. So when I turned down the new job, I made up an excuse saying I’d love to take the offer but couldn’t because of xyz reason but would be in the touch sometime in the future.

Lo and behold, a couple of weeks later, s**t did hit the fan at my work. I took a month off and then emailed the job that offered me a position and started 2 weeks later.

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