People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

Waking Up In Vegas


I was flying back from Vegas with a friend from a Bachelorette party. We got to the airport around 9:30 AM, and our plane was due to leave at 10:45 AM or so. We board and its the middle of June so it’s 115 degrees outside, but on the tarmac easily 120 degrees or more.

They scoot back from the gate and just as we get to the runway, the engine dies. So we pull back up to the gate and wait with absolutely no AIR CONDITIONING. We do not have water, ice, or anything to help with the heat.

We wait in the plane for over an hour. We are sweating and some people are freaking out demanding to be let off which they refused to do. A lady faints, some people start getting nosebleeds. It was on the verge of becoming a riot.

Towards the middle of the plane, some college students started playing “I Believe I Can Fly”, by R. Kelly. We all started to sing along, our spirits lifted and after 2 hours of being stuck in there, they let us off the plane.

Now they offer water and snacks. Some people with kids refuse to get back on another plane and they leave. So we wait for another hour or two in the airport waiting for another plane to fly us home. We get on, about 3/4 of the people return.

We board, and they start moving us back from the gate, and BAM it STOPS AGAIN!!!!!!! This time we wait another 1.5 hours until they let us off the plane. We wait, we make phone calls, we yell. A 3rd plane comes rolling up and it’s air-conditioned and glorious.

We pull back from the gate with less than half the previous occupants. We get in the air and land. The airline offered $100 vouchers, that expired in a year. NEVER AGAIN!!! Story credit: Reddit / (Savage_1806)

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