People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

Motel Mayhem


I had spent a week on the outskirts of Toronto at this rundown hotel/convention center doing a trade show for my company. I hated it, and I was miserable all week. My company did not allow me to rent a car because the hotel was located at the convention center, and there was a restaurant across the street.

So, I was stuck, for 6 days, at this hotel with one place to eat. It is finally the day to leave, and I am up at the crack of dawn to catch the first shuttle to the airport. I’d rather sit in the terminal for 4 hours than stay in that hotel a minute longer.

After being at the airport for a while, they finally load us on the plane, and I am relieved. I’ve had a few drinks so I can sleep on the flight. We take off, and I put on my headphones and try to sleep. The plane starts to climb, then descends. A few minutes later the plane starts to climb again, then descends.

This goes on for 45 minutes before the captain comes on the speaker and tells us that the cabin will not pressurize, and they have to turn around, 45 minutes into the flight, and return to Toronto.

We get back to the airport, I am steaming. We sit for another 2 hours while they say they are readying another plane for us. After 3 hours they finally tell us that there will not be another flight available until the following day, and they will assist us with hotels for the night.

I am miserable at this point. Well, guess where they booked us to stay that night? Yep, that same hotel/conference center I had just escaped from. Story credit: Reddit / (Alumni_Blues)

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