People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

Home For The Holidays

Wikimedia Commons / Masakatsu Ukon / CC 2.0

Flew from Winnipeg to Buffalo… by way of Toronto and Newark.

I was with my family, we were coming home from Christmas. We leave and get to the airport nice and early, which was good because about 10min later all these people come piling into the United checking counter line, which stretches back about fifty feet.

On the board, out of the blue, it says our flight is delayed three hours. Now we’re going to be getting out of Winnipeg at the same time we were supposed to be boarding our connection in Chicago.

We were the second group in the line, after a while the United agent comes out and pulls a real MVP move by sending us to Air Canada, who get us a plan to fly to Toronto, then to Newark, and finally back the way we came to Buffalo.

So we play Airline Ping-Pong and, by some miracle, it works. Not one missed connection, and I got an extra-legroom seat with a TV on the Air Canada flight and got to see Manhattan from the air at night as we left Newark, which by the way is a really poorly laid out airport.

We had to leave one terminal, take a train and go back through security to get to the terminal we were supposed to be in. Story credit: Reddit / (AntimatterNuke)

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