People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

Out Of Business

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I was sitting in a hot and fully boarded plane somewhere in sunny Spain and the stewardesses are pacing up and down the aisle counting and talking to each other. After a few minutes they announce they are one passenger short and as a result, there is one extra checked bag.

The solution is to take all the checked baggage out of the plane, lay it on the runway and have everyone find their bag. The engines are off, so there is no air conditioning, in a jam-packed plane in sunny Spain.

The guys unloading the plane are so slow it is hard to fathom and people are getting edgy. Two hours later, the plane is still not empty but almost. One of the stewardesses walks through the cabin double checking some numbers. With a slightly worried face, she talks to a colleague.

They counted wrong. They load the plane again. We spend two more hours in hot no-air-conditioned and jam-packed plane.

The company went out of business shortly after. Story credit: Reddit / (SkippingMango7)

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