People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

Handle With Care


I was 15 or 16 years old and I was flying across the country and for the first time by myself. My mom had wanted to treat me so she splurged and bought me a ticket with extra legroom.

Because of that, I got one of the front seats, with no storage room so the “nice” flight attendant put my backpack on the overhead compartment and said she would get it for me when we reached altitude.

We hit the needed height and I asked for my backpack. I had brought my computer, some books, and some snacks with me. Well, she opens the overhead compartment then another passenger tries to ask her a question while she is fumbling around to find my bag.

She ends up dropping my bag, it bounced off the shoulder of another passenger and then slammed into the floor. Then she picked it up and tossed it in my general direction.

I didn’t know it until I got home some six hours later but that fall had smashed the internal components of my computer. The disk drive didn’t work anymore and neither did the fan. I ended up having to buy a new computer. Story credit: Reddit / (PandaObsession)

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