People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

Fed Up On The Flight


After a week-long vacation in the Caribbean, I was flying back to the states on an early morning flight and I wasn’t feeling well. I couldn’t even drink water without throwing it up. ALL I wanted to do on my flight home was sleep.

The flight attendants got on the intercom literally every 20 minutes or so and woke me up trying to sign us up for credit cards and sell duty-free adult beverages and perfumes during the flight. I called a flight attendant over and said “Look, I’m really sick here and just trying to sleep.

You’ve already announced the credit card and the duty-free stuff several times. Can you please not do that again?” Well, they kept doing it, and after another two or three times, I yelled: “JUST BE QUIET ALREADY!”

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one not feeling well because several more people on the plane chimed in saying “YEAH, BE QUIET” and “WE’RE TRYING TO SLEEP” and “NOBODY WANTS THE CREDIT CARD!” Story credit: Reddit / (dudecephus)

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