People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

Recruiting Trip Gone Wrong


Was on a recruiting trip in late September. The night before, we went to a huge party and got extremely inebriated. Was gone from 10pm to around 3am–and my flight was at 6am. I made it to the airport fine, still probably wasted, but I made it. Made the first 2 hour leg of the flight fine.

During the one hour layover is when the headache due to last nights actions hit me. My fellow teammates were not doing so well either. We board the next flight and my teammate is lucky enough to get to the bathroom in the cabin to be sick, but not me.

We take off and it feels like the entire plane is spinning in circles. I had the vents on to the fullest which was probably what kept me from also being sick during the flight, but when we landed, they must have turned the A/C off because the vents were no longer blowing cool air.

I knew at that point I wasn’t going to make it, pulled out the bag and blew chunks as we were taxiing. Easily the worst experience of my life so far. Story credit: Reddit / (programmed_death)

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