People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

Never-Ending Journey


I was flying from LAX to Oklahoma City with a layover in DFW. When we landed in Dallas a storm came in that delayed my connecting flight for seven hours.

The thing that’s fun about that is that Oklahoma City to Dallas is a three-hour drive so theoretically I could have had someone drive down from OKC, pick me up at DFW and drive me back to OKC just in the time I spent waiting for my connecting flight.

But I had checked luggage so that would have been impossible anyway except that when I finally arrived in OKC the airline lost my luggage.

And despite arriving several hours after my flight was supposed to get in my brother still managed to be over an hour late picking me up because the same storm had caused a headlight to burn out on his car (there was a leak in his casing).

He got pulled over three times for it and one of the cops told him he had to change the bulb immediately, which he did only to have it burn out five minutes down the road because there was still water in the casing. Story credit: Reddit / (schnit123)

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