People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

Get Me Out Of Orlando!


I will never ever fly with United again. Taking a direct flight out of Orlando to SFO with a 3 year old. Full flight, I have paid for a seat for my 3 year old, carry on his car seat and strap him in no problem. Goes down from there.

Apparently the plane had come in the night before and had some mechanical problem that no one fixed. They off boarded us and re-board us 3 times. The last time we are told the flight won’t be taking off and we will all received hotel vouchers for the night and will be put back on this plane the next morning.

Well would anyone help me struggle back off the plane with the 3 year old, a car seat and diaper bag, now way. So I am last in line at the counter where the vouchers are being handed out and it is finally my turn, I laid my head on the counter and cried.

Luckily for me I could fly into any of the 3 bay area airports; so of all 300 plus people on that flight I got a flight home on Delta. Well the Delta terminal is what seems like miles from the United terminal and I ask for assistance.

Why would United give me any help, their answer was I had 3 hours to make it over to Delta that would be plenty of time. It took 23 hours to get to my destination. Lucky for me my son was a real trooper and was well behaved, no tears, no annoying anyone else. Story credit: Reddit / (Mamafred)

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