People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

Far Away From Home


One of my parents is from South America. The family there had government and military ties. When I was about 10 years old, we were trying to fly to the remote state where our family is from. Commercial flights were all booked but my aunt was able to pull some strings and we got on a military flight.

We got to the airport and boarded a small two-engine plane. Our family of five was there with 4 or 5 other military personnel and a small crew. The 90-minute flight was uneventful. That is, until about 15 min from our destination, the engine on the right wing burst into flames.

The cabin filled with smoke and the mood deteriorated from cautious optimism to genuine fear. The plane dipped a bit but the pilot kept things in order.

It turns out, these planes can easily fly with a single engine. The smoke was a bit of a concern but the staff eventually explained that we were never truly in peril. Still, little kid me was terrified that day and certain I would pass away on a plane far away from all my friends. Story credit: Reddit / (notnotbuddy)

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