People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

Trouble In Twin Cities

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When I was coming back from Cozumel there was a storm in the Twin Cities so we couldn’t land there. We circled for a while before having to land in Bemidji. We were on the ground in Bemidji for about four hours. That certainly made the flight stink more than it normally would.

With extra time circling, I think we were six and a half hours late in total. The guy in the seat behind mine lived in Bemidji. He could see his house and his friend’s house just before we touched down there. Now you’d think this would be a good turn of events for him — except they had no customs in Bemidji.

He couldn’t deplane. He called his friend from the plane to tell him just how late he’d be. It’s a four-hour drive down to the cities. We saw his friend drive down to pick him up as we sat there on the runway. Story credit: Reddit / (techniforus)

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