People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

The Helmet Hybrid


A friend and I were traveling from California to Utah with one way tickets. We decided on a whim to fly there for a show and weren’t sure when we wanted to head home. We had a single large duffel bag between us as well as a large prop relating to the show we were seeing.

It was a motorcycle helmet with the front windshield part removed and a microphone mounted on the side, with the mic part coming around in front of the mouth part. There were red and blue wires connecting the mic to the inside of the helmet.

Neither one of us thought it was that weird so my friend took it as her carry on item. So. We have two girls with one way tickets, a large black duffel bag, and a helmet with a mysterious object mounted to the side.

This spelled out threat apparently because we were detained and questioned before we even made it to the gate. They had to put us on the next flight four hours later.

All because neither one of us thought about the fact that maybe our microphone-helmet hybrid looked like a bomb. Story credit: Reddit / (undeadgorgeous)

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