People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

A Terrible Red Surprise


I was flying from Bangkok to New Zealand. My dad was a little pale before we boarded the flight but we figured he was just tired. I was 14 at the time and I fell asleep half an hour in and woke up a few hours later to absolute panic.

I had no idea what was going on but the smell that I woke up to was the worst I’ve ever smelt. Even ten years later, it is still the worst smell I have ever encountered. I just remember looking over to my dad and there was blood everywhere. That’s what the smell was. Blood.

We got moved to first class (not as exciting under these conditions) and some rich dude wearing snakeskin was more than happy to leave to give up the room. I thought that was pretty nice of him. I sat on one side and my father and mother were kind of towards the back away from me on the other side.

A doctor came in too (luckily) and was assisting. Flight attendants were consoling me and telling me everything was going to be OK, but I looked over their shoulders out of curiosity and saw my dad sitting on the window seat, not looking great at all.

We left the plane as soon as we touched down and since we didn’t go through any security we had our bags quickly checked in some sort of holding room. I fainted because there were so many people in the room. Also THAT SMELL!! Then we all went to the hospital.

My brother was getting married the next day so we all went and visited my dad after – even the bride – it was pretty cool. He turned out to have a ulcer in his stomach. My dad recovered. Story credit: Reddit / (Hiveraz)

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