People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

Above Their Pay Grade


One time I was doing a flight and in the cockpit, we normally need a “cabin secure” message from the cabin crew before we land. This to ensure everybody is seated and there’s no loose carts or anything when we touch down.

Anyway, this time, we’re getting super close to where we need to be, and the cabin is not secure yet.

The lead flight attendant calls us and lets us know a passenger is in the lavatory and refuses to come out. No reason given. At this point we’re minutes away from landing, so, the cabin crew unlocks the lavatory door from the outside (which is very easy to do, if you know how).

They find this dude still sitting on the toilet, with fluids everywhere. At this point we’re on final approach. We can’t land with a passenger in the toilet, but, we can’t send the poor guy back to his seat either. Rules be damned, we ask the guy if he’s OK with us landing while he’s in the toilet. He is.

Minutes later we’re on the ground. Smooth landing. We let everyone off before him, then got him some towels from the cleaners for the poor guy to clean himself up a bit. Story credit: Reddit / (BabyNuke)

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