People From Around the World Share Their Worst Airline Travel Stories

Spit Cup Sorrows


On a flight from D.C. to San Diego I was in the window seat which I love but it was night time. My music player had just died about 45 minutes into the flight with no other form of entertainment. Bored out of my mind I try to sleep but can not.

The man next to me is a very Russian guy who has gift cards from the airline. Something like $300 and he spent it all on drinks. His entire tray was filled with those little bottles. He drinks it all and gets very loud in a thick Russian accent about how bad America is.

Now I’m mad because I’m bored and he is being belligerent. I finally fall asleep. For maybe 20 minutes before I get woken up by him being sick all over the tray in front of him, his lap, and my lap. I’m the type of person if I hear/see that stuff I gag and want to puke.

So here I am with some strangers spew on me with 4 hours left in the flight. The flight attendant helped him get cleaned up and sees the puke on me and me just looking almost straight up gagging. She feels so sorry and she moves me somewhere else on the plane.

As I sit down there is an older lady who is mad that I had been puked on because you know it’s my fault and I’m a disgusting human being. I smelled bad even after trying to get cleaned up.

This lady (maybe 50) was of the upper class type it seemed. I’m just a small town guy. I take out my can of chewing tobacco and she gets mad and tells me I’m disgusting and that tobacco isn’t allowed on planes.

She tells the flight attendant that I need to be kicked off the plane for contraband or something maybe thinking they would just throw me out the door while flying I don’t know.

The flight attendant politely tells her that I am doing nothing wrong. Especially because when I fly I try to hide my spit cup/bottle so people don’t have to see it. She just won’t drop it though and finally, I had enough.

The rest of the flight I get my cup in my hand closest to her and when I would spit I made sure to look directly at her and be as loud as possible without disrupting others around us.

Just her. She was very upset with me but you know what? Whatever. My flight was way worse. Story credit: Reddit / (bigfluffy3564)

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