Walked Away Without a Scrape

I had a two seat go-cart when I was young. My cousin and I were riding it around my yard and somehow the weld on the one seatbelt broke. I had my dad unbolt it and we kept on riding. Little while later the other seatbelt weld broke. Dad took it off and we kept riding.
The thing about the seatbelts was they had some spring box across the chest that would make it seem like it was tight against your chest, so it wasn’t necessarily safe in the first place. We were doing some power slides when the last time we got a lot of speed. The wheels caught a hole in the ground and the go-cart started tumbling.
I was slammed on the ground and my cousin was flung into the air away from the go-cart while it continued to roll another 5 times. If the seat belts were on we probably would have been mangled. I walked away with a big bump on my elbow and my cousin lightly burned his finger tips when the touched the engine. The roll cage was bent at a 45 degree angle.
Story credit: Reddit / satanshairlip