All Thanks to My Car

I graduated from University a few months ago and I was job searching for a while for some work in my field, to no avail. I eventually got down to my last bit of money because the deposit from my university flat hadn’t been returned yet, it was very late.
Because I literally had no money left to pay for my car insurance and tax I signed on for benefits, so I would be given enough money to pay for my car while looking for a job. I hated the idea of it and I almost sold my car but I kept it in case I needed to travel for job interviews.
Low and behold two weeks after signing on for benefits a recruiter finds my CV on the job centre website and invites me in to chat about a job they’re recruiting for, which requires that I have a driving license and car. The job turned out to be something I never would have thought of myself to search for, but pays pretty well and has great potential for greater things (I’ll explain if anyone cares).
Anyway loads of people had been headhunted prior to me but none of them got an interview because they didn’t drive. I aced a phone interview, aced the interview and travelled 170 miles for the the training where I aced the training and my first day is on Monday.
Story credit: Reddit / RichCovs