People Share Real Events That Had an Incredible Domino Effect On Their Lives

Listen to Orders

Flickr / Don O’Brien / CC 2.0

My kid wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for my RA in college.

At the end of a summer program before my freshman year, they had a dance up in the breezeway of our dorm. I’m a major nerd, and at this point, I’m all “no way I’m going to a dance.” My RA across the hall hears this, and comes over and basically orders me to go and says I’ll have more fun than sitting in my room. So I think, you know what, I’ll do it just to show him.

So I go, I hang out, dance a bit, meet a girl, and one thing leads to another. We got married the summer we graduated on campus, and it was 11 years married/15 years together this August. If I hadn’t gone to the dance to show up my RA, I wouldn’t have met my wife or had my daughter.

Story credit: Reddit / Unknown

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