People Share Social Trends They Find Annoying

Reckless Endangerment

Its the age of the internet. Lots of people are going viral and probably earning money from starting or participating in popular social trends. From challenges to pranks to , the world of social media is rife with these trends. However, some people have issues with some of these trends are they are not afraid to speak on it.

Image By: Unsplash

Some people will disagree with this approach, but I hate being recorded. I’m in my mid 20’s and not one for pranks, jokes, whatever BS is popular. I live in a small town that has a surprisingly large amount of TikTok “influencers” so you see these kids recording crap everywhere. Most of the time it’s harmless dances, but lately they have been “pranking” people.

I was driving down the road and see a bunch of kids standing 100 or so yards down, and then a green flash. My girlfriend freaks out because what we later found was a high powered laser had just caught her in the face.

I get after the kids, who are running like it’s the funniest thing, and catch them in front of one of their homes. Proceed to call the cops, those kids were all charged with reckless endangerment and a host of other things. The videos (multiple) of them trying to laser drivers now belong to the local police.

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