People Share Social Trends They Find Annoying

Disappearing Privacy

Image By: Unsplash

In general, just the fact that people aren’t allowed to be private anymore.

All your devices hook up to the Internet. Your smartphone tracks you in God only knows how many different ways. Every business wants you to sign up for a rewards account, so they can harvest your contact details. Heck, even my PC and game consoles will rearrange my desktop just to show me advertisements.

And if that wasn’t enough, people give you strange looks when you tell them you have almost no social media presence – no Twitter, no Instagram, no Snapchat, no Facebook. Not to mention how people just get this confused look on their face whenever I get mad at them because they took a photo/video of me without my knowledge or consent and put it on their social media.

Honestly, it shocks me to see how little people care that privacy is disappearing.

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