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Subscription-Based Products

Image By: Pixabay

You can’t just buy something now. Everything is a subscription. First it was just Netflix, then it was dollar shave club. Now every TV channel is a separate subscription, every household item wants to send it to you over and over again.

Nothing is released physically, so the only way to watch a movie or check out a new album is to pay someone monthly. Services that were offered for free or one-time purchase are rescinded and now offered as subscriptions. It’s so obvious that everyone and everything just wants to milk you as long and for as much as possible. And people just buy into it willingly.

I know people who spend like $200 a month on stuff that was free like, 10 years ago. People are even offering themselves on a subscription base now. I can’t believe how cool everyone is with watching all their money disappear all the time.

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