People Share Social Trends They Find Annoying

Making Gods Out Of Mortals

Image By: Unsplash

I don’t think it annoys me, but it baffles me: heavy social media presence by ordinary people. I can’t for the life of me understand why I’d follow some random person I’ve never met. I have actual people in my life, and I’m interested in them.

A couple of days ago, I first heard the term “momfluencers.” Honestly, really? Why would I base my children’s upbringing on the opinions of some twit whose main attribute is the fact that she has time to do this stuff?

I have minimal social media presence, because why would anybody care to follow me? This isn’t low self esteem – it’s just reality. I’m a completely normal, average person and I know it. I don’t fool myself into thinking the world at large would benefit from knowing what I think or do on any given day. I don’t know if social media creates narcissistic people, or if it just reveals them.

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