People Share Social Trends They Find Annoying

Driving While On A Cell Phone.

Image By: Unsplash

Driving has always been a little frustrating but now it’s gotten insane. My girlfriend and I can call out with at least 90% accuracy who is on their phone.

Abrupt Lane changes, 20mph under the speed limit, swerving, looking at phone and missing a green light for 5+ seconds, and – my personal pet peeve – stopping 50’ short of a light in a busy intersection during rush hour.

Not only is the use common, but the entitlement that comes with it is across the board. Someone waiting at a green light 5+ seconds, I do a short honk to alert them – they give me middle finger. Like, yeah, I’m the idiot here (I can see you playing on your phone through your back windshield).

The other day I had a girl pull across two rows of parked cars in a lot and had to slam on my brakes to not smash into her. Instead of saying sorry, she got out of the car (still in the middle of the lane) while still on FaceTime to film me.

Like… it’s gotten so bad that I don’t see any real solution other than videoing all of these people/license plates and sending them to the local police.

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