People Share the Biggest Myths About Their Countries

We Are Not THAT Conservative


Woo. Singaporean here. No, we’re not part of China. We’re not even in the same region. Yes, the population is 60% ethnically Chinese, but that doesn’t make us part of China any more than it makes the USA part of Britain. We’re closer culturally to Taiwan.

  • It is not illegal to be nude inside your own home. You can be starkers while bathing if you like. You just cannot use “I am in my own home” as a defense against streaking or showing everyone your rude bits. 90% of the population live in government apartments and we don’t need pervs flashing their dongs through their windows. Incidentally, this law came about because pervs were flashing their dongs through their windows. Singapore used to have a big flasher problem back in the 80s – times were weird.
  • It is not illegal to chew gum, only to import/sell it or bring it onto the trains. This is because douchebags used to literally gum up the train doors and make everyone late for work. The government put up with it for a few months and then said f- it, no more gum for everyone, this is why we can’t have nice things.
  • The government doesn’t fine people for every little offence anymore. They used to, but enforcement has become lenient in the last two decades. Sadly, this means there’s a ton of litter where the streets used to be pristine. Still, you might not want to litter or spit right in front of a police officer.

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