People Share The Extreme Lengths They Went To Because Of FOMO

No Yacht, No Party

Unsplash / Marcin Ciszewski

A friend in college wanted us to drive up to a party at a campus about an hour away. It was already 12:30 am, and we’d hung out with her friends from that school before and didn’t particularly like them, so we turned her down.

She eventually goaded us into mentioning that five of our close friends were already on their way up there; she just couldn’t fit in the car with them. And saying, “Dude, it’s a yacht party. Have you ever partied on a yacht? It belongs to [rich friend]. It’s going to be small, like 15 people max. Top shelf alcohol. Tons of high-quality smoke. Lots of [other party substances]. And it’s free! You don’t have to buy or pay for anything! She’s got a huge house we can crash at. I’ll even gas up your car.”

So, of course, we set out. We arrive, and there is no yacht. There is not even any body of water. In fact, it’s the biggest frat party I’ve ever seen. There are hundreds of people. We each had to pay $30 to get in. Nobody we knew was there. And she spent all of her money on getting into the party, so I didn’t even get my car gassed up as she promised.

She tried to cover her behind by saying, “No, no. I definitely said frat party, not yacht party. You must’ve misheard me.”

I ended up having a lousy time at the frat party but found a small group of people heading back to their off-campus housing to smoke and invited us to come along. That ended up being a somewhat enjoyable time, at least.

After that, we never trusted Lisa again.

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