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The Best Concert Experience

Unsplash / Nicholas Green

I went to a concert years ago before the pandemic happened.

A school classmate asked for someone to accompany him to his favorite singer’s concert, and I decided to try the experience.

I was quite afraid of the “fan craziness” I used to hear from people who describe what going to concerts feels like. But it turns out, the fanbase was actually very nice and calm. We even managed to get to the first row, right in front of the singer, and NOBODY was pushing!

Like, there was still a meter of space between people. The songs were loud and rhythmic but not deafening. Lastly I still have the autograph of the singer.

Overall, It was an enjoyable day spent in good company and listening to a talented singer’s songs. I probably wouldn’t do it again because there is no way to top this lucky experience.

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