People Share The Most Toxic Things Their Parents Have Ever Told Them

The Daddy’s Girl

Image By: Pixabay

I’m at a point in my life where it’s hard to see a lot of the positives. My childhood wasn’t bad; in fact, it was pretty good.

I just spent my entire life convinced my mom loved my older brother more than me and that no matter what I did, she would never be impressed with me. She was always second-guessing my abilities , and the older I get, the more convinced I become that I was an obligatory child. She never even wanted a daughter; she told me so herself.

I never felt any lack of love from my dad, though, and he always told me how badly he wanted a daughter. He’s the one that always made me feel loved. He’s the one I cried for when I was hurt/sad as a child, even as my mom was right there.

Then she’d get mad at me for wanting my dad. Sorry, you’re not very comforting, and I want the parent who makes me feel loved and safe. Maybe you should try to soothe me in a different way instead of making a big deal about me wanting my dad.

Anyway, sorry that got a little long. Felt good to vent a little, though. I haven’t spoken to my mom in three years because of the way she treats me and my husband, and I’m scared to try again.

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