People Share The Most Toxic Things Their Parents Have Ever Told Them

Unresolved Issues

Image By: Pixabay

So, I’m the eldest. My mom had me at 18, and dad was 16; he left shortly after. I ended up with a sexually abusive stepdad for about 10 years. The next stepdad just didn’t like me at all. Mom would constantly make fun of me for being fat (even at times I wasn’t, and she was) and often used me as her emotional dump because she had unresolved issues.

She had two other daughters at this time. When my second stepdad came along, they tried to make a better home situation, and I couldn’t help but be jealous of how much better my sisters were treated.

At lunch one day, my mom breaks down crying and says she saw my sisters as a second chance for how much she messed up with me. At the time, I was happy to hear it because I want my sisters to have a much better life.

But… I’m still here.

She didn’t really try to fix anything between us. Heck, when I told her about my first stepdad, she said she didn’t want to report him because of something to do with her taxes (I have no idea).

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