People Share The Most Toxic Things Their Parents Have Ever Told Them

The Asian Parents

Image By: Pixabay

“I gave up everything I liked for you.”

“95? Why not 100?”

“Why can’t you be like so and so’s child? They do <one impressive thing>.”

It is a bit subtler than the top comments here but can eat a child’s self-worth, guilt them well into adulthood, and pass by standard alarms.

Yes, you guessed right – Asian parents. I blame but don’t hate them. It’s a struggle when your default behavior is not to think you have worth when achieving something as for “some reason” there’s always more you could’ve done and what I just finished “isn’t actually that impressive” in my mind. It is and will be, a battle to unlearn, and I wish all those who share this experience the best in their journey of unlearning and self-accepting.

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