People Share The Most Toxic Things Their Parents Have Ever Told Them

Nothing Is Good Enough

Image By: Pixabay

Mine said I should be looking for extra credit so I can stand out even more.

Never mind those transcripts; they only record one letter and no percentages. Also, never mind me putting my head down and coasting and still getting a huge scholarship to the state flagship, but still ALWAYS hounding me to try harder and do better while outdoing all but maybe 5-10 students in my 1100 person class.

I have two degrees now, and still, he says I should’ve gone to be a doctor or lawyer instead of a scientist. It’s all so he can sound more prestigious when he brags to friends or extended family members, I’m sure. I’m not the first person on our side to graduate from college or anything.

It’s literally just never enough, and I stopped caring about his opinion years ago, but those feelings from being younger never leave. It almost feels like an ongoing challenge to see how little I can do and still succeed.

Not the push to work harder he thought he was doing.

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