People Share The Most Toxic Things Their Parents Have Ever Told Them

You Are The Problem

Image By: Pixabay

“You’re the reason behind every problem in this family.”

This was said to me word for word by my mother because I had a migraine and requested that they help keep my sisters as quiet as possible because I was hurting. I even asked just to be let out of the car, so I could take the bus home, but they wouldn’t let me do that either. They wouldn’t help me with problems, and they wouldn’t let me help myself. How the f- am I the reason behind every problem?

You think I f***ing want migraines?? No, I frigging don’t. It hurts so bad that it’s increased my pain tolerance to the point that I have to have oozing pus sacs before I even notice an infection. I didn’t ask for that amount of pain. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t hurt, but sure I caused every problem in the family by having a chronic illness.

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