People Share The Most Toxic Things Their Parents Have Ever Told Them

It’s Always Your Fault, And They’ll Never Apologize

Image By: Pixabay

My dad once threw me into a wall and dragged me across the floor by my hair. I left for a few days because I didn’t feel safe, but I came back because I couldn’t leave my sister. At the end of it all, he said

“I’m not sorry for what I did, and I won’t apologize.”

Bonus: my mom told me that all the bad things that happen to me were my fault, and I deserved them.

Me: “Even the two accidents I was in? That wasn’t my fault?”

Mom: “Yes. “

Me: “So I deserved to be assaulted by that guy, too?”

Mom: “You probably did.”

I’ll remind her this next time something happens to her.

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