People Share The Most Toxic Things Their Parents Have Ever Told Them

She Never Wanted A Second Child

Image By: Pexels

My mother already told me she never wanted a second child. So that’s why she ignored me, and that was my graduation present.

I still remember that after I stopped talking to her, I had my third brain surgery. In my drugged haze, I asked my dad to let her know (he spoke with her family) that I had survived.

Apparently, when the family members told her that her ex-husband had called to say we were interstate having my surgery. She got upset and kept commenting on how they took me interstate to see doctors!

“Umm yeah, no one said you didn’t have a say or was ungrateful. This was about me being alive from yet another surgery.”

Now my sister is the same, and I spent the day before my 4th brain surgery (which had more risks of failure and needed a tricker route) making sure she didn’t hurt herself because of her most recent boyfriend break up.

Thank God I’m stronger than they are. While. I shouldn’t have to deal with it without my family. I know they never could and are lucky I’m not a leech for attention like they are. I’ll just be grateful for the little they can manage.

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